Authentic Mississippi Recipes

Tease Your Taste Buds to an Exotic Assortment of Authentic Mississippi Recipes to Suit Your Palate.

Pursuing the American Dream

The Bankhead family story began in the fields of Belzoni County, Mississippi, picking cotton and filling croca sacks for a few dollars a day. From these humble beginnings grew the faith and tenacity of the Bankhead family, pursuing the American dream and taking advantage of the opportunities this great land has to offer.
Some people believe that Mississippi is the origin of America’s music, the heart of Southern literature, and Southern culinary skills.

3 Generations of Culinary Delights

Bankhead Mississippi Style Cooking's contribution was bringing three generations of culinary delights to the table. The difference today is that they believe the adage “Grandma Good – Mama Healthy.” This means keeping the old-fashion tastes of yesterday, while going modern and making Bankhead’s special recipes a whole lot healthier.

The Beginning of a Unique Food Journey

When you enter Bankhead Mississippi Style Cooking in Spring Valley, CA, you would have begun your journey at discovering what makes Mississippi such a unique place in the world.